About Us

Jobs.TheTrucker.com is one of the leading sources of local, regional and long-haul truck driving job listings in the US. Jobs.TheTrucker.com’s objective is simple: Help truck drivers find the right truck driving jobs and help trucking companies find qualified truck drivers.

Jobs.TheTrucker.com is part of The Trucker Media Group, which is the leading source of trucking industry news, product and service marketing, and truck driver recruitment in the US, proudly serving the industry for over 30 years. The Trucker Media Group recognizes the important role that professional truck drivers play in keeping our economy working and our world moving.

The Trucker Media Group offers an ideal avenue for carriers, as well as trucking-related product and service providers, to reach truck drivers, trucking industry decision-makers and other professionals. Our robust suite of advertising solutions is effective for reaching this valuable, sought-after audience and generating direct response and elevating brand awareness.

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